


Why do I need to learn to write English structured emails? I already know English. Don’t make the same mistakes I made when I first started working in the business environment.

You are missing so much when sending emails in the workplace which will help you with collaboration with your colleagues. You will be able to mitigate people misinterpreting the email, you will be able to structure a professional English email, and you will be able to feel how your email reads. So make sure you read my 12 top tips for sending perfect emails to different stakeholders within your workplace below.

No.1 – Who is the email to?


Use a short and accurate subject header.

No.2 – What attitude am I using?


No.3 – Which tense to use?


No.4 – What style to use?


  • Your greeting
  • A pleasantry
  • Your purpose
  • A call to action
  • A closing message
  • Your signature
  • If your relationship is very casual, you can even say, “Hi Gabe”.
  • If you don’t know the name of the recipient, you can use: “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.
  • If you are composing an email to a group of recipients who you have included in the To field and require a response from, greet them as a group (if the number of recipients is four or greater) or include each of their names in the greeting.
  • If you are sending an email with Cc’s, simply address the group as a whole if you have a great number of recipients, otherwise include each recipient’s name in the greeting.
  • If you are sending an email with BCC’s, address the group as a whole by opening with something like, “Hi all”.
  • If you are emailing someone for the first time, keep introductions brief and let them know who you are in one sentence. For example: “It was great to meet you at [X event].”
  • If you are not sure if an introduction is necessary and you’ve contacted the recipient before, but you’re not sure if they remember you, you can leave your credentials in your email signature.

a – Make sure you have a short and long professional English signature.


No.5 – How to start and end?


State the reason for your email

  • “I am writing to inquire about …”
  • “I am writing in reference to …”
  • “Please take the time to look over these changes and offer me your feedback…”

Add your closing. To keep your emails professional, end your email with another thank you to your reader or a formal goodbye such as:

  • “Thank you for your patience and cooperation”
  • “Thank you for your consideration”
  • “If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let me know”
  • “I look forward to hearing from you”.
  • End your email with a proper closing before your name, like “Best regards” or “Sincerely”
  • Avoid casual closings like “Cheers” unless you are good friends with the reader, as these types of closings are less professional.

No.6 – What not to do


cc and bcc


use slang – remember an email is evidence, a record


No.7 – Reading in between the lines


No.8 – How to sound friendly without using please and thank you


No.9 – Always re-read the text before sending


No.10 – Using Outlook – use the delay email modification


No.11 – How to structure an email to not bore your boss


No.12 – Use software such as Grammarly



And there to have it! 12 things you must do when writing an English email in the work environment. Some of these may seem obviously to you but I’m sure others were not and will help your career in many ways. Just with a slight change of your email writing and presentation you will see the difference and recognition in your day-to-day work. Ultimately, helping your career in the short and long term.

Why couldn't I find somewhere I loved that has the alphabet. Not knowing at the time that Thai does! But just not the กินEnglish type. I have worked and lived in Thailand for many years and enjoyed the food, the culture, the sites, and the people. And all of this enjoyment has been further enhanced with knowing the Thai language.
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